let mut msg = b"Property is declared to have a binary value but the encoding is set to ".to_vec();
message: "Property is declared to have a binary value but no encoding is set, must be set to BASE64".to_string(),
message: "Property is declared to have a binary value but the value is not base64".to_string(),
message: "Property is declared to have a binary value but that is not valid for this property".to_string(),
message: "Property is declared to have a boolean value but the value is not a boolean".to_string(),
message: "Property is declared to have a boolean value but the value is not a boolean".to_string(),
message: "Property is declared to have a calendar address value but the value is not a mailto: URI".to_string(),
message: "Property is declared to have a calendar address value but that is not valid for this property".to_string(),
message: "Property is declared to have date values but one of values is a date-time".to_string(),
message: "Property is declared to have date values but one of values is a date-time".to_string(),
message: "Property is declared to have a date value but that is not valid for this property".to_string(),
message: "Property is declared to have a date-time value but has an absolute trigger".to_string(),
message: "Property is declared to have a date-time value but that is not valid for this property".to_string(),
message: "Property is declared to have a duration value but has an absolute trigger".to_string(),
message: "Property is declared to have a duration value but that is not valid for this property".to_string(),
message: "Property is declared to have a float value but that is not valid for this property".to_string(),
message: "Property is declared to have an integer value but that is not valid for this property".to_string(),
message: "Property is declared to have a period value but that is not valid for this property".to_string(),
message: "Property is declared to have a recurrence value but that is not valid for this property".to_string(),
message: "Property is declared to have a text value but that is not valid for this property".to_string(),
message: "Property is declared to have a time value but that is not valid for this property".to_string(),
message: "Property is declared to have a URI value but that is not valid for this property".to_string(),
message: "Property is declared to have a UTC offset value but that is not valid for this property".to_string(),
let result = separated_list1(char(','), prop_value_date::<Error>).parse(content.as_bytes());
let result = separated_list1(char(','), prop_value_duration::<Error>).parse(content.as_bytes());
let result = separated_list1(char(','), prop_value_float::<Error>).parse(content.as_bytes());
let result = separated_list1(char(','), prop_value_integer::<Error>).parse(content.as_bytes());
fn is_time_valued(property_value: &String) -> AetoliaResult<Vec<crate::parser::types::Time>> {
let result = separated_list1(char(','), prop_value_time::<Error>).parse(content.as_bytes());
fn is_utc_offset_valued(property_value: &String) -> AetoliaResult<crate::parser::types::UtcOffset> {